What are Motivated Seller Leads?

What are Motivated Seller Leads?

Motivated seller leads are homeowners who are looking to sell their property quickly, often for less than the market value.

There are a number of reasons why a homeowner may become a motivated seller. Some may be facing foreclosure or have already lost their home to foreclosure. Others may be going through a divorce, experiencing financial difficulties, or simply wanting to move to a new location. Whatever the reason, motivated sellers are typically willing to negotiate on price in order to sell their property quickly.

If you’re interested in pursuing motivated seller leads, learn more about that are motivated seller leads – this article is just for you!

Types of Motivated Home Seller Leads

Sellers who are motivated to sell their home are more likely to be responsive to your marketing efforts and more willing to engage in a transaction. But what motivates a seller to list their home? Here are four types of motivated sellers to look for when sourcing leads:

  1. Financial Motivation

Some sellers need to sell their home in order to free up cash flow or pay off debts. These types of sellers may be more willing to negotiate on price in order to close a deal quickly.

  1. Life Change Motivation

A significant life change, such as a job loss, divorce, or the death of a family member, can also motivate a seller to list their home. In these cases, the seller may be more interested in a quick sale and less concerned with getting top dollar for their home.

  1. Timing Motivation

Some sellers list their homes due to timing considerations, such as wanting to sell before the school year starts or before a baby is born. These sellers may be more willing to accept a lower offer in order to close the deal quickly and on their timeline.

  1. Emotional Motivation

Finally, some sellers list their homes for emotional reasons, such as wanting to downsize after their children move out or wanting to move closer to family. These sellers may have sentimental attachment to their home and may be less likely to negotiate on price.


Three most common types of motivated home seller leads in 2022: 

  1. Financial difficulties – The most common reason why people become motivated sellers is because they are facing financial difficulties. This could be due to job loss, medical bills, divorce, or any number of other reasons. When people are in a difficult financial situation, they often need to sell their property quickly in order to raise cash.
  2. Pre-foreclosure – These sellers are in danger of losing their home to foreclosure and are therefore motivated to sell quickly in order to avoid that fate. 
  3. Probate – When a homeowner dies, their property often goes through probate, during which time it is overseen by the courts. This can be a lengthy and complicated process, during which the property may be put up for sale. The heirs of the deceased homeowners may also be motivated to sell the property quickly in order to settle the estate. 
  4. Divorce – A divorce can be a very stressful and emotional time for all parties involved. In many cases, both spouses will want to sell the family home in order to move on with their lives.
  5. Moving – Sometimes people need to sell their property quickly because they are moving for a new job, downsizing, or any number of other reasons. 


Knowing what motivates a seller can help you tailor your marketing efforts and make a more compelling offer. When working with motivated sellers, be sure to communicate your understanding of their situation and why you’re the best person to help them sell their home.

Signs That a Seller is Motivated

If you’re looking to buy a home and think the seller might be motivated, keep an eye out for these signs: 

– The seller has already moved out or is in the process of moving out

– The property has been on the market for awhile without any offers

– The seller is relocating for work or personal reasons

– The seller is going through a divorce or other life changes that could make them want to sell quickly

– The property is in need of repairs or updating

If you see any of these signs, it’s worth reaching out to the seller to see if they’re open to negotiation. Remember, even a small concession can save you thousands of dollars on your purchase.

Why Do Real Estate Investors Like Working with Motivated Seller Leads?

It is very simple! Motivated seller leads present opportunities for real estate investors to buy low and sell high. By working with motivated sellers, investors can find deeply discounted properties that have the potential to be extremely profitable.

There are two main reasons why.

Motivated seller leads are usually more willing to negotiate on price and terms. This can make it easier to get a good deal on a property, and it can also help speed up the process of buying and selling properties.

Motivated sellers are also often more flexible when it comes to timelines and other aspects of the sale. This can be a big advantage for investors who want to close deals quickly.

Advantages Of Getting Motivated Seller Leads

There are a number of benefits that come along with finding motivated seller leads. 

First and foremost, these types of leads are much more likely to result in a successful sale. Motivated sellers are typically highly interested in selling their property quickly, which means they’re more likely to accept a lower offer than those who aren’t as motivated.

In addition, motivated seller leads tend to be less competitive. Since these sellers are usually more interested in simply getting rid of their property, they’re often willing to negotiate on price and terms. This can make the entire process of selling your home much easier.

Finally, motivated seller leads can save you a great deal of time and energy. Rather than having to spend hours cold calling potential leads, you can target those who are already interested in selling their property. This can free up your time to focus on other aspects of your business, such as finding buyers or working on other marketing campaigns.

If you’re serious about growing your real estate business, it’s important to start looking for motivated seller leads.

Where To Find Motivated Sellers?

There are a number of ways to find motivated sellers. You can search for them online, in real estate magazines, or through word-of-mouth.

One way to find motivated sellers is to look in real estate magazines. These magazines often have classified ads from motivated sellers looking to sell their properties quickly.

You can also ask around your network of friends and family members if they know of any motivated sellers. Sometimes, people are willing to sell their property for less than its market value if they need.

The best way to find motivated sellers is to search for them online. There are a number of websites that cater to motivated sellers, and you can usually find a good selection of properties on these sites. 

iSpeedToLead is a leading provider of motivated seller leads across the US. So…

iSpeedToLead is the Perfect Place for You

If you’re looking for motivated seller leads, iSpeedToLead is the perfect place for you. We provide a steady stream of high quality leads that are ready and willing to sell their properties.

Our leads come from a variety of sources and we’re constantly updating our database with fresh leads, so you’ll always have a steady supply of potential deals to work on.

Best of all, our leads are affordably priced, so you can make money while still keeping your overhead low. Contact us today to learn more about our motivated seller lead services.

What To Do With The Motivated Seller Lead after Buying It?

Once you have your motivated seller lead, it’s time to take action. Here are four things you can do to turn that lead into a sale:

  1. Call the lead. This may seem like an obvious step, but it’s important to make contact with the lead as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more likely they are to find another buyer or change their mind about selling altogether.
  2. Set up a meeting. Once you’ve spoken with the lead and confirmed their interest in selling, set up a meeting so you can learn more about their property and what they’re looking for in a sale.
  3. Negotiate the price. Once you’ve determined the value of the property, it’s time to negotiate a fair price with the lead. This is where your knowledge of the market will come in handy.
  4. Close the deal. Once you’ve reached an agreement on price, it’s time to close the deal and finalize the sale. Congrats! You’ve just successfully completed a motivated seller transaction.

How to Negotiate With Motivated Sellers

If you’re looking to invest in real estate, it’s important to be able to negotiate with motivated sellers. You can find some best tips for negotiating with motivated sellers HERE.

What To Offer A Motivated Seller?

If you’re looking to buy a property from a motivated seller, it’s important to know what to offer. While there are many factors to consider, the most important thing is to make sure your offer is fair and reasonable.

The first step is to find out what the property is worth. Once you have an idea of the property’s value, you can then start making offers.

It’s important to remember that a motivated seller is often looking for a quick sale, so they may be willing to accept less than the full asking price. However, you don’t want to low-ball your offer too much, as this could offend the seller and cause them to reject your offer outright.

When making an offer, it’s also important to be prepared to negotiate. If the seller is not willing to accept your initial offer, be prepared to counter-offer with a higher price. Often, a little bit of back-and-forth will result in a fair deal for both parties.

If you’re not sure what to offer a motivated seller, or you have other questions related to motivated sellers – contact us and start getting motivated seller leads today!