Using Real Estate Lead Generation Services vs Making Everything by Yourself
Lead Generation Services

2 Main Ways to Find Seller Leads

If you’re looking for seller leads, there are two main ways to go about it: generating them yourself or using a lead generation company.

Generating your own leads can be a lot of work, but it’s also free and gives you more control over the quality of the leads. Lead generation companies can do all the legwork for you and often have access to a larger pool of potential leads.

Which method is right for you depends on your budget, time constraints, and other factors. Let’s take a closer look at each option so you can decide which one is best for your needs.

Generating Your Own Leads

Generating your own seller leads is very time-consuming.

There are a few different ways to generate seller leads on your own:

  1. Search online listings: One way to find potential leads is to search online listings, such as on Zillow, Trulia, or Redfin. This can be a time-consuming process, but it’s worth it if you’re able to find good leads.
  2. Contact expired listings: Another option is to reach out to sellers who’ve had their listing expire without selling their home. These sellers may be motivated to sell and could be more open to working with you.
  3. Network with other real estate professionals: Connecting with other real estate professionals, such as agents, lenders, and home inspectors, can also be a good way to find potential leads. These professionals often have access to leads that you wouldn’t be able to find on your own.

Finding Leads by Yourself: Is It a Good Approach?

Most businesses today rely on some form of lead generation to keep their sales pipeline full. While there are many different ways to generate leads, one of the most common is through self-directed research. This involves using various online tools to find potential customers who may be interested in your products or services.

However, while this approach can be effective, it can also be very time-consuming. If you’re not careful, you can easily spend hours upon hours scouring the internet for leads, only to come up empty-handed.

So, is self-generated lead research a good approach for your business? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons:


  1. You have complete control over the leads you generate.
  2. You can target your lead generation efforts to specific types of customers.
  3. You can gather a great deal of information about potential customers before ever reaching out to them.


  1. It can be very time-consuming, which takes away from other important tasks.
  2. There is no guarantee that the leads you generate will be interested in your products or services.
  3. You may have difficulty scaling your lead generation efforts as your business grows.

Overall, it is very time-consuming, better to spend this time on other tasks. Also, you will most likely not have the same success rate as a professional lead generation company.

What are Lead Generation Companies?

A lead generation company is a type of business that helps other businesses generate leads for their products or services. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as online marketing, telemarketing, and even face-to-face interactions. Lead generation companies typically work with a variety of businesses in different industries in order to help them increase their customer base and sales. 

How Do Real Estate Lead Generation Companies Work?

Real estate lead generation companies work by generating leads for agents and brokers. They use different methods to generate these leads, such as marketing, SEO, and pay-per-click advertising. Most companies also offer lead management services, which help agents and brokers convert leads into clients.

There are many different types of real estate lead generation companies out there. Some focus on generating leads for specific types of properties, such as luxury homes or foreclosures. Others focus on generating leads for specific geographical areas. And still others focus on generating leads for specific types of buyers or sellers.

No matter what type of company you choose, it’s important to make sure that they are experienced in working with the type of leads you need. Otherwise, you may not be getting the best results possible.

Benefits of Working With a Real Estate Lead Generation Company

If you are thinking about expanding your real estate business, then working with a real estate lead generation company may be a good option for you. There are many benefits of working with a lead generation company, including:

  1. Increased leads – A lead generation company can help you to increase the number of leads that you generate. This means that you will have more potential customers to work with, which can ultimately lead to more sales.
  2. Higher quality leads – When you work with a lead generation company, you can be assured that the leads you receive will be of high quality. This is because lead generation companies typically use sophisticated methods to generate leads, such as online marketing and targeted advertising. As a result, the leads you receive from a lead generation company are more likely to be interested in your products or services.
  3. Cost-effective – Working with a lead generation company can be cost-effective, as you only pay for the leads that you generate. In contrast, if you were to generate leads yourself, you would have to incur advertising and marketing costs.
  4. Access to experts – When you work with a lead generation company, you will have access to experts who can help you to improve your lead generation efforts. These experts can offer advice on how to better target your advertising and marketing campaigns, and they can also offer tips on how to convert more of your leads into customers.
  5. Increased sales – Ultimately, the goal of working with a lead generation company is to increase your sales. By generating more leads and converting more of them into customers, you can see a significant increase in your sales figures.

If you are looking for a way to expand your real estate business, then working with a lead generation company may be the best option for you. Lead generation companies offer many benefits that can help you to grow your business, including increased leads, higher quality leads, cost-effectiveness, and access to experts. Therefore, if you want to see an increase in your sales, working with a lead generation company may be the right choice for you.

Choosing the Right Real Estate Lead Generation Company

When you’re ready to start working with a real estate lead generation company, the first step is to identify your target market. Once you know who you’re trying to reach, you can begin to research different companies and find the one that best meets your needs.

Once you’ve found a few companies that look promising, it’s time to contact them and set up a meeting. During this meeting, be sure to ask about their methods for generating leads and their experience in managing them. You should also ask about their success rates and any testimonials or case studies they may have.

After you’ve met with a few different companies, it’s time to make your decision. Choose the company that you feel most comfortable working with and that offers the best value for your money.

Remember, working with a real estate lead generation company is a great way to increase your business. But it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable company that will work hard to get you the results you need.

4 Main Tips

When you’re looking for a real estate lead generation company, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are four tips to help you choose the right one:

1. Make sure the company has experience in your area.

You want to make sure the company you’re working with knows the ins and outs of your local market. They should be able to provide you with targeted leads that are more likely to convert into customers.

2. Ask about their lead generation methods.

There are a variety of ways that companies can generate leads. Some use online methods, while others rely on more traditional offline techniques. Find out how the company you’re considering generates its leads so you can see if their methods are a good fit for your business.

3. Get a demo of their lead management system.

Once you start receiving leads from a real estate lead generation company, you’ll need a way to manage them effectively. Make sure the company you’re working with has a robust lead management system in place so you can stay organized and follow up with your leads in a timely manner.

4. Read online reviews.

When you’re considering working with a real estate lead generation company, it’s always a good idea to read online reviews first. This will give you some insight into the quality of the leads the company provides and whether or not other customers have been happy with the results.

By following these tips, you can be sure you’re choosing the right real estate lead generation company for your needs. Working with a reputable and experienced company will help you generate high-quality leads that can convert into customers, helping you grow your business.

iSpeedToLead – Leading Motivated Seller Leads Provider

If you’re looking for motivated seller leads, iSpeedToLead is the perfect solution. We provide high quality motivated seller leads that are perfect for any investor looking to get started in the real estate business. With our leads, you’ll be able to find properties that are deeply discounted and offer a great return on investment. So if you’re ready to start making money in real estate, iSpeedToLead is the perfect place to start.