Best Follow-Up Strategies in Real Estate
Follow-Up Strategies

What is a Follow-Up?

A follow-up is a continuing or renewed attempt to gain something that was previously desired but not obtained. It may also refer to a continued or repeated effort to achieve success in spite of previous failures. A follow-up may also be an after-effect, consequence, or result of something that has happened or been done. Following up is a key part of any successful relationship-building strategy, yet it’s often neglected. Why? Because most people find follow-ups difficult and time-consuming. 

The purpose of a follow-up is twofold: to ensure that you’re on the same page with the other person, and to keep the conversation going. By following up, you’re showing that you care about the issue at hand and want to maintain a dialogue. Plus, following up gives you an opportunity to build rapport and further establish your credibility. 

Follow-Up with Real Estate Lead: Is it So Important?

It’s only natural for a business owner to want to follow up with every lead that comes in. However, when it comes to real estate leads, is this really necessary?

The answer may surprise you. While some leads will convert without any follow-up whatsoever, others may require multiple touchpoints before they’re finally ready to buy or sell a property.

So, the real question becomes: how can you tell which leads need follow-up and which ones don’t?

Here are a few factors to consider:

  1. The nature of the inquiry. If a lead simply requests more information about your listings or services, they probably aren’t ready to commit just yet. However, if they’re asking specifically about prices or availability, it’s worth following up to see if they’re ready to take the next step.
  2. The timing of the inquiry. If a lead contacts you right after seeing one of your listings, they may be ready to buy or sell now. On the other hand, if they reach out months or even years later, they may just be doing some general research with no immediate plans to buy or sell.
  3. The level of interest. If a lead seems interested and engaged in the conversation, it’s worth following up to see if they’re ready to take action. However, if they’re unresponsive or seem disinterested, it’s probably best to move on.

At the end of the day, only you can decide whether or not to follow up with a real estate lead. However, by considering the factors above, you can make a more informed decision about which leads are worth your time and energy.

10 Effective Follow-up Techniques and Strategies for Real Estate Professionals

When you’re trying to close a deal, proper follow-up is key. But what does proper follow-up look like? If you’re a real estate professional, there are certain techniques you can use to make sure your clients know you’re still interested and working hard on their behalf.

1. Get creative with your follow-up

Don’t just rely on phone calls and emails – get creative in your approach to following up. If you know your client is a fan of a certain sports team, send them tickets to a game or a signed jersey. If they’re into art, invite them to an opening at a local gallery. Whatever it is that your client is interested in, find a way to tie it into your follow-up.

2. Make it personal

A generic email or form letter is not going to cut it – you need to make sure your follow-up is personal and tailored to the individual client. Mention something you discussed in your last meeting, or include a piece of information that you know is important to them. This will show that you’re paying attention and that you care about their specific needs.

3. Be persistent (but not annoying)

It’s important to be persistent when following up with a client, but you don’t want to cross the line into being annoying. Find a happy medium – check in often enough that they know you’re still interested, but not so often that they feel like you’re breathing down their neck.

4. Send a handwritten note

In a world of digital communication, there’s something to be said for the personal touch of a handwritten note. Take the time to sit down and write out a thoughtful message to your client – it will definitely be appreciated.

5. Be patient

The sales process can take time, so it’s important to be patient and keep the lines of communication open. By staying in touch, you’ll be top of mind when the time is right to buy.

6. Offer something of value

When you’re following up with a client, always try to offer something of value. This could be a helpful article or blog post, an introduction to someone they might want to meet, or even just a cup of coffee. By giving them something of value, you’re showing that you want to help them – not just close a deal.

7. Listen more than you talk

The key to a successful follow-up is letting the lead do most of the talking. Ask open-ended questions and really listen to the answers. This will help you understand their needs and how you can best help them.

8. Be flexible

The real estate market is constantly changing, so it’s important to be flexible in your approach. If a lead tells you they’re not ready to buy yet, be willing to adjust your timeline and continue the conversation.

9. Use technology to your advantage

There are plenty of tech tools out there that can help you stay on top of your follow-up game. Set up Google Alerts for your clients so you always know when they’re in the news. Use a CRM system to keep track of your interactions and make sure you don’t forget anything important. And take advantage of social media – follow your clients on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook and interact with them regularly.

10. Always be professional

This should go without saying, but it’s important to always be professional when following up with a client. No matter how casual your relationship may be, remember that you’re representing your company and you need to act accordingly. This means no profanity, no personal attacks, and no unprofessional behavior of any kind.


By following these seven tips, you’ll be sure to make a great impression – and maybe even close that deal.